Advertising management is a planned managerial process designed to oversee and control the various advertising activities involved in a program to communicate with a firm's target market and which is ultimately designed to influence the consumer's purchase decisions.
Features Of Offer Bazzar System / Functionality Of Offer Bazzar
**** Admin Module ****
- Admin can manage shops.
- Admin can manage users.
- Admin can verify, reject, grant shop's offer.
- Admin can manage advertisement package for shop.
- Admin can see all summary on dashboard.
**** Shop Module ****
- Shop owner can manage it's shop offers.
- Shop owner can set his shop's timing (monday - sunday)
- Shop owner can purchase offer package for his shop.
- Shop owner can manage his shop's profile.
- Shop owner can ciew summary on dashboard.
**** User Module ****
- User can see offer's of all shop which granted by admin.
- User can subscribe shop for new offer update.
- User can manage his profile.
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